Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Roast Chicken with Potatoes and Rosemary

I kind of cheated on this one. This Beekman Heirloom Cookbook recipe is supposed to be created with a whole chicken. This would require me removing the innards and fussing around with the skin and all that jazz. When I'm making a meal just for me, I don't feel like going through all that jazz. (Truth be told, even when I'm cooking for other people I don't feel like going through all that jazz.)

So, I used pieces of a chicken that had already been sectioned off. I feel like this recipe was a success when made with the sectioned off pieces, but it probably didn't hold onto as much of the flavor as it would have had I gone the route of the whole chicken. Also, mine didn't have skin on it which of course changes the flavor.


Chicken - pre-cut sections
6 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 lemon
1 lb small potatoes cut into 1" chunks
5 garlic cloves, cut into pieces

In the original recipe, you do a lot of stuffing into the whole bird, but again, this is a recipe I cheated on. So here's what I did:

I layered the potato chunks on the bottom with a little olive oil. I cut off the ends of the lemon so the juice could escape, and I added a little in the pan. I then layered on the chicken pieces, and the rosemary, which I'd broken up a little first. I then sprinkled on the salt.

Then I put it in the oven at 425 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.

Like I said, I don't think I got the same amount of flavor, but the flavor there was light and nice. The chicken was also quite juicy. 

I generally don't modify the Beekman recipes, but sometimes you have to because you don't have time or the people to warrant a big ol' chicken dinner. Fortunately for me, this worked out in my flavor. (HA. SEE WHAT I DID THERE?)

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