Sunday, November 4, 2012

Apple Butter Turnovers

This recipe is from the Beekman Cookbook, and it's incredibly easy. I did it this morning soon after waking up, it's that simple.

First, you go buy yourself some puff pastry. That's right, you don't have to make your own.

For some reason, blogger insists on putting these on here in the wrong direction. I hate it when it does this. But, anyway, there's the puff pastry I used. I thought the shells might be easier for me since it would make a little container for me to put the apple butter in. They also have puff pastry sheets, which are what the Beekman boys suggest using. Pepperidge Farm makes the only kind I could find, and they were tucked away in the freezer aisle.

Then the recipe calls for you to melt one tablespoon of butter and add cinnamon, cardamom, a teaspoon of sugar, and a pinch of salt to it. You use this to coat one side of the pastry. (If I used a sheet, I would assume that this would be on the inside.) Over the top, you use an egg wash of one beaten egg and a bit of water. I added some cinnamon and sugar to my egg wash since I was using it on the top of my turnover, and I wanted the sweet flavor too.

In the original recipe, you fold the pastry over the apple butter inside and make your little pocket. Since I used the shells, I had to bake them for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

There they are, getting all puffy in the oven.

Once they were all baked, I took them out and popped their centers out, and they made little pastry bowls.

I filled these bowls with apple butter. I bought the apple butter in a store. If you want to make your own though, you just make applesauce (you can even make the cinnamon ginger applesauce from before if you want) and boil it down until it's so thick you can stand a spoon up in it.

Pop the tops back in and you're all done. Simple as that. I think adding the cinnamon and sugar to mine burnt the tops a little, so you might want to be wary of that. Otherwise, they taste fine and were a quick desert to make if you have company coming.


  1. These look delicious and easy to make. You can place a sheet of aluminum foil on top to prevent burning. :)


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