Sunday, September 30, 2012

And now for dessert ... Apple Crumb Cake!

When we got together to cook, we actually made this first to free up the oven for some of the other things we had to cook.

Here is their picture from the cookbook.

It's a nice thick cake, loaded with chunks of apples and it is really moist. We ate it soon after dinner when it was still warm, so it totally fell apart all over our plates, but it was awesome warm.

We didn't put enough butter on the top for it to melt all of the brown sugar and cinnamon, but that didn't make much of a difference.

The most impressive part is that it holds at room temperature for a while, and it remains just as tasty and moist as when I first made it. It keeps together better too instead of turning into a crumbly mess. 

I was also pleased with how easy it is to make. Josh says it's the perfect kind of cake to have around when you might have company coming over because of how well it holds up and how satisfying it is. I would love it if people had this on hand every time I came over. (Or maybe I wouldn't because I'd gain millions of pounds since I'd eat it every time I went out.) 

The recipe was featured in gapmag where Brent and Josh are wearing some spiffy threads. 

Anyway, I like getting together and cooking with other people a lot. There's something satisfying about eating with a bunch of people you care about over a meal that you made that tastes good and is made of good ingredients. 

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