Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blue Cheese Pizza

When you title this pizza as "Blue Cheese Pizza", it sounds normal enough. But the toppings on this pizza make it anything but normal. Onions, apples, walnuts and blue cheese.

When I read this recipe, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. I mean, where's the sauce? That's one of my favorite parts of the pizza.

And it sounded more like a ...funky desert than something I'd actually want to eat.

But, I have to give it a shot since that's the purpose of this blog. I've only just started. I can't cop out now.

It calls for a ton of onions.

All right. It doesn't look like a lot in the picture.

I didn't wind up using all of the toppings that the recipe called for. I made sure some of everything was on there, but I didn't need all of the onions, apples, or blue cheese to fully cover my dough. 

I used whole wheat dough, and I have a nice pizza baking tray which makes it easier for me. Using the wheat dough goes against everything I ever believed in as a child. I was totally into white bread and the less healthy version of anything. Then I went and grew up and sucked the fun out of everything. Now it's whole wheat this and brown rice that.

After a long session of onion cooking, I put the toppings on my pizza, heated the oven up and baked that bad boy. I was still skeptical about it until I could smell it from the oven. I couldn't believe how good it smelled. I started to get all excited to taste it.

And then it came out of the oven. Not on its side though. Blogger just seems to have this thing for uploading my pictures rotated when I didn't rotate them. I'm pretty sure this is a form of bullying, and I have no comeback.

It's crazy good. I ain't even gonna lie. It's not your traditional pizza, but it's well-worth making. It'd probably make a good appetizer if you cut it down into smaller size portions. It's light, it has a bit of sweetness, and it's not your typical pizza.

A similar recipe to the one I used can be found here.

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